In İzmir police seized the money collected for Suruç

etha-20150811-izmir-00_display İzmir police seized the money which was collected against receipt by ESP (Socialist Party of Oppressed) and SGD (Socialist Youth Association) members to help families of the revolutionists wounded or died in Suruç massacre.

İzmir police seized the money collected by ESP and SGD members to help families of revolutionists wounded and martyred in Suruç.

Yesterday(10.08.2015), ESP and SGD members opened a stand in Alsancak Kıbrıs Şehitleri avenue to raise a fund for treatment costs of revolutionists wounded in Suruç massacre and to stand by with the families of martyrs.

After closure of the stand, police detained Deniz Bakır, Manolya Bulut, Ezgi Bahçeci, Uğur Bozkurt, Ozan Can Sarı, Deniz Bahçeci, Abdullah Turan who were waiting there. Socialists were released after some time, however, police seized the money collected against receipt. The money was not given back to socialists after the custody.

Informing ETHA, Deniz Bakır from ESP said « Police said « illegal donation » and didn’t return the money. SGD is an association and has a right to raise donations by law. Even though we said that that money was collected against donation receipt, they didn’t return the money we collected that day. »

Bakır indicated that they will go to the court and demand the money seized by the police.

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